Why Attend? Read What Others Are Saying…
We’re proud to share with you the testimonials we have received from practitioners for MPS Therapy. Receiving feedback from our customers is important to us and we hope that it will help guide you in your decision to explore our drug-free, ultimate pain relief method. Also, if you have already used MPS Therapy and would like to share your experience with us and our website visitors, please visit our contact page and submit your experiences using our contact form. Without the ability to rapidly release the numerous scars of our injured soldiers, many cases of PTSD or chronic pain would have dragged on or failed completely. Tonya Sauls, PT, MS, OCS, CSCS Although I have taught many acupuncture courses in Canada and abroad, I still benefited by taking a course last weekend with Ms. Kelly Armstrong. I have chronic tightness in my calf that had failed to resolve with many conventional and alternative therapies. During the seminar, the instructors theorized that my ankle operation scar and my appendix scar could have a lot to do with it. After a session of MPS Scar Release Therapy treatment, I can bend over and touch my fists onto the floor without the tightness hindrance of my calves. Amazing, eye opening. Dr. Fred Hui, MD I attended a six day course in MPS and immediately applied it to my clinical practice. After six months using the Dolphin Neurostim™, I have had numerous cases in which this treatment has positively benefited my patients. Its most notable attributes are ease of application and immediate reduction in symptoms. With the increasing demands HMO’s place on physical therapists by reducing the number of allowed visits, fast effective relief is a necessity. Suzanne Wamboldt, PT I have been able to integrate MPS into my massage practice with phenomenal results. My clients are so happy that they have been referring their friends and family like never before. My practice has grown over 30% in the last 2 months. Angel A. Orozco We have had such success with the unit that we have had all of our therapists trained by top MPS instructors. MPS has increased the quality of the care we deliver. Dr. Chris Centeno, MD I have been a massage therapist since 1985, and I have never been so excited about my work. MPS Therapy freed my fractured clavicle and frozen shoulder in fifteen minutes, after being that way for three years. I have had great success using MPS Therapy on neck and jaw pain, shoulder pain, low back, legs and feet pain. MPS has changed my practice and given me a new lease on life. Judy A. Fulmer, LMT MPS-SRT is the only therapeutic modality I have ever used where you literally see the tissues change before your eyes after treatment. No one can deny the efficacy of MPS-SRT when a patient leaves the office pain free or witnesses the emotional release caused by the scars they carry. Gustavo Arrojo MPS-SRT is a paradigm shift in healing the body. It is noninvasive, inexpensive and the results are immediate. Sandy Pond, LMT
Center Therapy Director at Concentra in San Antonio, TX
Past President, Acupuncture Foundation of Canada
Owner, Body Sense